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van Shanghai Port naar Rotterdam tot bij mij thuis



Ik zou graag buizenverstekrers uit china willen importeren.


Maar ik zit nog een beetje met de verzending en de douane en zo. Ik heb wel eens iets geimporteerd, maar altijd met luchtpost verzonden.


Buizenversterkers zijn vrij zwaar (rond de 20 kilo), hierdoor is verzenden met luchtpost te duur. Daarom worden ze verzonden over zee. In het begin zal het om ongeveer 20 stuks gaan , dus 200-400 kilo.


Mijn leverancier schreef dit:

If you need,We can ship the order item to Rotterdam,Netherlands by sea ,the shipping cost is free .But you should pay us the other shipping charges.No matter how many tube amplifiers you ordered ,the other charges to Rotterdam,Netherlands is USD 75 /bill (not including insurance ), and the charges of shipping order item from our factory to Shanghai Port as follows:USD 4.8/unit(Big machines),USD 2.4/unit (small machines).



Die 4,8usd en 2,4usd zijn de kosten van de fabriek naar de haven, en die 75usd de kosten van het invullen van de papieren etc.

De verzendkosten van Shanghai Port naar Rotterdam zijn gratis zegt hij, hoe kan dit? Moet ik dit achteraf betalen? Of zit het gewoon al bij de prijs in?


Verder ben ik erg benieuwd naar de procedure in rotterdam, ik hoorde van iemand dat de goederen van rotterdam bay eerst naar rotterdam warehouse gaan , en vervolgens bij mij thuis bezorgd worden. Of moet ik ze daar komen ophalen?


En welke kosten komen hier allemaal bij kijken?



Verder moet ik waarschijnlijk ook invoerrechten betalen (4% of zo) en btw bij invoer (19%), hoe en waar moet ik deze betalen? Ik heb zelf geen kvk inschrijving of btw nummer, is dit hierbij nodig?


hopenlijk kunnen jullie mij helpen, want het is mij nog allemaal een beetje onduidelijk hoe dit gaat.

Aanbevolen berichten

4 antwoorden op deze vraag

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Misschien moet je eens verdiepen in de zgn incoterms: http://www.iccwbo.org/incoterms/id3045/index.html





The seller’s only responsibility is to make the goods available at his premises in a condition

prepared for export. The seller is not responsible for loading the goods in the vehicle

provided by the buyer, unless otherwise agreed. The buyer bears the full cost and risk

involved in bringing the goods from there to the desired destination.



The seller’s obligations are fulfilled when the goods have been placed alongside the ship on

the quay (wharf). The buyer bears all costs and risks of loss or damage to the goods from

that moment. Unlike FOB, FAS requires the buyer to clear the goods for export.



The goods are placed on board a ship by the seller at a port of shipment named in the sales

contract. The risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer

when the goods pass the ship’s rail during loading. This term only applies to transportation

by sea or inland waterway only.



The seller must pay the costs freight necessary to bring the goods to the named destination,

but the risk of loss or damage, as well as any cost increases, is transferred from the seller to

the buyer when the goods pass the ship’s rail in the port of shipment. Applicable for sea or

inland waterway transport only.



This term has the same meaning as CFR, but with the addition that the seller has to procure

marine insurance against the risk of loss or damage to the goods during carriage. The seller

pays the insurance premium.



The seller makes the goods available to the buyer on board the ship at the destination

named in the sales contract. The seller bears the full cost and risk involved in bringing the

goods there.



This term means that the seller must deliver the goods to the buyer on the quay (wharf) at

the named port of destination, cleared for importation. The seller has to bear all risks and

costs including duties, taxes and other charges for delivering the goods. This term should

not be used if the seller is unable to obtain the import license. If the buyer is the party who

will clear the goods for importation and pay the duty, then the term is changed to "DUTY

UNPAID". This term applies to sea or inland waterway transport.



DDU means that the seller makes the goods available to the buyer at the named place (e.g.

door) in the country of importation. The seller has to pay the costs and bear the risks

involved in bringing the goods to that point as well as the costs and risks of carrying out

customs formalities. However, the buyer must obtain the import license and pay the actual

duties, taxes and official charges payable upon importation. This term may be used

irrespective of the mode of transport.



While the term "EX-WORKS" signifies the seller’s minimum obligation, DDP, when followed

by the buyer’s location in the destination country, denotes the seller’s maximum obligation.

The seller provides the import license and is responsible for delivery, import duties, taxes,

other import-related charges. This term may be used irrespective of the mode of transport.



This term has been designed to meet the requirements of modern transport, particularly

such "multimodal" transport as container or "Roll on / Roll off" traffic by trailers and ferries

as well as carriage by air. FCA is based on the same principle as FOB except that the seller

fulfils his or her obligation when goods are delivered into the custody of the carrier at the

named point. If no precise point can be mentioned at the time of the contract of sale, the

parties should refer to the place or range where the carrier should take goods into his

charge. The risk of the loss or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the

buyer at that time and not at the ship’s rail. "Carrier" means a person by whom or in whose

name a contract of carriage by road, rail, air, sea or a combination of modes has been




Like CFR, CPT means that the seller pays the freight for the carriage of the goods to the

named destination. However, the risk of loss or damage to the goods, as well as any cost

increases, it transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods have been delivered

into the custody of the first carrier and not at the ship’s rail. It can be used for all modes of




This term is the same as "Carriage Paid to-" but with the addition that the seller has to

procure transport insurance against the risk of loss or damage to the goods during the

carriage. The seller pays the insurance premium.



DAF means that the seller’s obligations are fulfilled when the goods have arrived at the

frontier, but before the "customs border" of the country named in the sales contract. The

term may be used for any frontier including that of the country of export. Therefore, it is

important that the frontier be defined precisely by naming the point and place in the term.

The term is primarily intended to be used when goods are to be carried by rail or over the

road, but it may be used irrespective of the mode of transport.


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Als je de BTW die je betaalt nog een keer terug wilt vragen bij verkoop, dan moet je een BTW nummer hebben ja.


Ik weet niet hoe groot jouw auto is, maar een beetje middenklasser kan wel 200 - 400kg extra dragen. De vraag is natuurlijk: hoe is het verpakt. Je zou er dus voor kunnen kiezen om het zelf op te komen halen. Je doet aangifte van de import bij de douane. Daar mag je je invoerrechten betalen (afhankelijk van goederencode), douanekosten en BTW aftikken. Dan mag je je spullen in het vrije verkeer brengen.

Volg @yannick_veys op Twitter. Ik tweet over online marketing, conversie optimalisatie, persuasive design en leuke artikelen. Ben je actief op Twitter en wil je meer volgers krijgen en minder tijd bezig zijn met het maken van tweets? Kijk dan eens op https://hypefury.com

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Mijn leverancier heeft mij niks vertelt over een incoterm, ik zal hem er eens over vragen.


Verder heb ik zelf geen auto, maar waarschijnlijk kan ik wel iemand regelen met een auto die groot genoeg is ;).



Maar ik vraag me dus af of als ik het op kom halen in de haven, nog iets moet betalen. BTW en invoerrechten zijn wel duidelijk.


Maar de kosten van de boot, en de opslag in rotterdam en mischien nog iets wat ik over het hoofd zie?



  • -1

Laat maar weten of je direkte hulp nodig hebt, zowel hier- als in China.


Met vriendelijke groet,



The missing link between distributor- and freightforwarder.

Wij adviseren m.n. startende importeurs op gebied van transport- en logistiek op internationaal gebied.

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