I start here in september a bussines .I buy what i need (investing) but i start with sales in march 2005 .I have an appointemnt with a boekhouder and he said that i can wait with administration until may 2005.Is that corect?If the year 2004 come to an end is not necesary to have all the taxes and administration sent to Belastingdienst etc?
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razvan razvan
razvan razvan
I start here in september a bussines .I buy what i need (investing) but i start with sales in march 2005 .I have an appointemnt with a boekhouder and he said that i can wait with administration until may 2005.Is that corect?If the year 2004 come to an end is not necesary to have all the taxes and administration sent to Belastingdienst etc?
Thank you very much
Link naar reactie
https://www.higherlevel.nl/forums/topic/4163-is-that-corect/Aanbevolen berichten
2 antwoorden op deze vraag