Madsvds Geplaatst: 28 november 2019 Madsvds 11 0 Geplaatst: 28 november 2019 It seems to be really difficult in The Netherlands to find food fulfilment (organic certified) with cold storage and pick and pack for SME start-ups When products are brand new, the volume is obviously still very low and most food fulfillers seem to want a minimum of 500 orders HAs anyone come across a provider that can help? has started a food fulfilment service however their minimum requirement is also 500 orders. Please advise? Link naar reactie Delen op andere sites More sharing options...
0 TwaBla Geplaatst: 28 november 2019 TwaBla 22,7k 6 1426 Geplaatst: 28 november 2019 Is that better organized in other countries? Hiep hiep hoera: honderd jaar A4 (DIN = Duits Instituut voor Normalisatie) Link naar reactie Delen op andere sites More sharing options...
0 Madsvds Geplaatst: 29 november 2019 Auteur Madsvds 11 0 Geplaatst: 29 november 2019 TwaBla there is a lot of support in Canada for start -ups and women entrepreneurs:)) Do you perhaps know of local Dutch food fulfillment solutions that we can try? Link naar reactie Delen op andere sites More sharing options...
1 Cavorka Geplaatst: 1 december 2019 Cavorka 22 3 Geplaatst: 1 december 2019 Couple of weeks ago I ordered some meat online and it got delivered by You can also check out: Link naar reactie Delen op andere sites More sharing options...
1 jajajeroen Geplaatst: 2 december 2019 jajajeroen 142 42 Geplaatst: 2 december 2019 (aangepast) What or who will be your market? Will you sell B2B or B2C? And what kind of product are we talking about? Food, drink, supplement, or something else? The issue is mostly the combination you´re looking for. Finding a food fulfilment provider which handles low quantities isn´t that hard, however you need to find one which is certified to store and transport organic foods (the SKAL certificate). That really limits your choice, as said above, leen menken is a provider which holds the SKAL certificate (as well as postNL), aside from those providers there are a few more: MFFS, Nedcargo, Tielbeke and MCS. Of course these are all rather large providers, which will all have a minimum quantity you have to reach... 2 december 2019 aangepast door jajajeroen Link ingevoegd Link naar reactie Delen op andere sites More sharing options...
0 Madsvds Geplaatst: 2 december 2019 Auteur Madsvds 11 0 Geplaatst: 2 december 2019 Thank you for your replies:) Our market is B2B The product is Kombucha, a low sugar, organic, green tea, soft drink - stored 4 -9 degrees C so cold storage is also required. Near Westzaan / Amsterdam would be helpful as the transporter trucking it in from the UK is based there. Thanks so much for those suggestions - I will follow all of them up! Link naar reactie Delen op andere sites More sharing options...
It seems to be really difficult in The Netherlands to find food fulfilment (organic certified) with cold storage and pick and pack for SME start-ups
When products are brand new, the volume is obviously still very low and most food fulfillers seem to want a minimum of 500 orders
HAs anyone come across a provider that can help? has started a food fulfilment service however their minimum requirement is also 500 orders.
Please advise?
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