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Hoe kun je afnemer worden bij Nike, Adidas, Puma ?

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[*]Hoe kom je aan je voorraad - hoe word je afnemer bij de grote partijen als Nike, Adidas en Puma?


Zelf al behoorlijk wat tijd en moeite in gestoken maar er is nauwelijks iets te vinden hoe je als nieuwe kleine ondernemer binnenkomt bij de grote merken, en welke voorwaarden zij stellen aan de afnemer (bijv. stenen winkel?)


Iemand tips om op het goede spoor te komen?


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Zie Quote:  


If you are interested in becoming an Authorized Nike Retailer, you must have a business license (issued through your local government) and a retail store front in order to apply. Applications to sell Nike product from home or on an auction site (such as EBay) will not be considered.


Please download the application packet and follow the instructions. We will review completed applications in the order they are received and notify you when a decision has been made. Incomplete application packets will not be considered.


Please note that the review process can take up to 60 days. Your patience is appreciated while you wait for an answer.


For questions or status updates on Nike Retail Account applications, please contact m.newdoor.inq@nike.com or Charles at (503) 671-6231.




Commonly asked questions


What do I need to do to become an authorized Nike retailer?

You must have a business license (issued through your local government) and a retail store front in order to apply. You application will then also be approved by marketplace and territory managers.


What if I do not have a retail store location? Can I still get an account?

No, In order to apply to become an authorized Nike retailer you need to have a business license and a retail store front. Applications to sell Nike product from home or on an auction site (such as EBay) will not be considered.


I want to sell online, is it the same process?

At this time Nike is satisfied with their online representation and is currently not seeking any new online accounts. Applications to sell Nike product on an auction site (such as EBay) will not be considered.


If my application was turned down can I reapply?

In order to reapply you must wait one year from the date of your last application.


Is there a fee to apply?

There is no fee involved with applying to become an authorized Nike retailer.


What will my pricing, minimum orders, and terms be?

All pricing, minimum order and terms will be discussed with you after you have you gone through the application process and have been approved.

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