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Zzp Cook that offer service , What type of costs i can discharge from my business?

Hello everybody im Matteo i start as a freelance Chef in September and i did by myself the first two-quarter declaration of Vat.

I put in the preload Vat only the Btv of 4 knifes 2 chef-jacket and one perfume that i bought for myself.

For the moment i did not have a car so I go to work by public transport.

I would like to know what type of cost i can i put as a cook that offers service, on my next preload tax.

Some people told me that i can put something of my groceries some people told that I can put different things.

Can someone give me more information possible about it?

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It depends on what kind of services you're offering to your customers/restaurant and what expenses you need to make to earn the revenue related to it. If you need groceries to earn the revenue, yes you can register that as expenses and prepaid vat. Same goes for the expenses for the public transport, if you need to travel to the customers to earn the revenue, you can register that as well.

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