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Berichten die geplaatst zijn door OhWiseone

  1. Het selecte internationale gezelschap dat zich verzamelde voor ‘NanoWater’ bestond hoofdzakelijk uit vertegenwoordigers van de nano-tech industrie, waaronder enkele prominente voorlopers. De gebruikerskant cq waterindustrie leek nauwelijks vertegenwoordigd. Noch was er serieuze Nederlandse inbreng van overheid, onderwijs of wetenschappelijke instituten. Waar waren zij?!


    Actie&Reactie zijn welkom via www.nano-tsunami.com

  2. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you all about the updated Nano Tsunami Site.


    Dispute rumours of closure, the site we are very much open and we have seen our visitors numbers climb every month.


    Ok we are not Nanotechnology Now or the Foresight Institute but we are an Independent non USA based NanoTech News Portal.


    We proud ourselves on being a “Nano Soap Box “ as we are more than happy to publish news or views for or against any Nanotechnology issue.


    We are now actively looking for even more Guest Writers.




    Our current Guest Writers include Dr Perl Chin, Neil Gordan, Chris Phoenix & some other friends, and every month we will be adding new names.


    Hopefully you ( and your views ) will come from outside of the USA, hopefully from one of the smaller counties around the globe also involved with NanoTech. Hopefully you will also be able to email us a ( small ) amount of your own work every month.


    As Guest Writer you will be assigned your very own column ( so don't forget to send us that passport photo ).



    email us your news & views to: nanotech@voyle.net



    Our editorial calendar is 6 days a week ( with Sat-Sun Issues combined ) .


    Nano Tsunami is free to all and is not subject to any form of subscription. We also welcome YOUR news or views.


    I hope you will join me at www.nano-tsunami.com


    With kind regards


    David Voyle



    Nano Tsunami…read the wave



    Please note: This is not an offer of work, and your contribution will be only be viewed by interested parties via the Internet. To date we have no plans to produce a printed version of Nano Tsunami.


    We also view this as a totally free service on your behalf, and you are free to stop or start sending us your news & views as and when ever you wish. ( we hope however that we can build up a regular column on your behalf ).


    Finally, as a contributor you will not be paid in any way, shape, or form by Nano-Tsunami. However, this offer is open to everyone, the young, the old, layman and woman, students, and professionals alike. All we have to offer you is a Nano Amount of fame ):-


    Legal Notice: All material published will be subject to prior approve by the Editor of Nano Tsunami.com and may be withdrawn at any time with prior written notice or reason.


    All Copyrights ( unless otherwise stated ) remain the sole reasonability of the original owner.

  3. Nano Tsunami: Football Shirt Tells How Tired Players Are On The Pitch


    Footballers players could benefit from a new hi-tech shirt that alerts managers to players’ heart rate and hydration levels.


    The shirt, which has in-built pulse and sweat monitors was designed by UK Northumbria University student David Evans.


    It uses ECG sensors to record the electrical activity of the heart and send signals to a computer on the team bench, alerting managers, coaches and physios to the player’s heart rate and highlighting any abnormal rhythms.


    Silicon gel based strips are connected to the top of the players’ backs and react to sweat loss to monitor hydration levels, indicating when a player is fatigued or dehydrated and could need to be substituted.

    ...read the wave


    Anyone interested in Nano Textiles should have a good think about this idea…. for more info www.nano-tsunami.com

  4. If I have any "standpoint "regarding NanoTech it is just standing on top of my "soapbox called Nano Tsunami " and that is just to test the view !


    All I am trying to do ( because I live here and publish Nano Tsunami here ) is to offer a Dutch "soapbox " from which to debate NanoTech issues.


    To date all that is spoken about is the "soap-box"itself !!!


    One of the big problems in Holland ( please all read "om het kleine te waarderen.."" a report from the van Rathenau Instituut ) , is and I quote...


    “Er is kritiek geweest op het feit dat het midden– en kleinbedrijf tot

    dusver maar beperkt betrokken is geweest bij de ontwikkeling van het nanotechnologieonderzoek " ... drs.Ineke Malsch ( 2003 )


    I rest my case.


    Regarding "Looking for work in NanoTech" yes I have teamed up with a US based company who is looking for people from all over the world. The Job Center on Nano Tsunami is part of the "nano"service I hope the site can offer.


    Lastly, regarding Wageningen, I would agree they are doing some great work, but to date they have been really crap at sending out any sort of PR to sites like Nano Tsunami so I am unable to cover their work.


    with kind regards to your all,

    David W.G. Voyle

    Nano Tsunami...read the wave



  5. Any public discussion in Nederland has to date, just taken the form of translating lots of mainly American ideas about what a NanoTech future will bring.


    The Dutch Public is either not interested or not clever enough to make Nanotechnology a point of discussion !


    please discuss.....


    David Voyle


    Nano Tsunami Dot Com


    ( please free feel to reply in Dutch )


  6. Regarding your remarks regarding the site


    Thank you ( I think ) ):-


    I am not looking for Dutch traffic.... the site is gets vistors from all around the globe and my Dutch vistors account for under the 5% of the total traffic.


    Thats says something about NanoTech here in Holland !!!!


    I have posted the news items just to give the issues a push.... its up to the rest of you to go on from here..........


    With kind regards





  7. Firstly, thank you for replying to the "bericht ".


    Please note you can always write to me in Dutch, as reading is easier than writting it !


    The idea of Nano Tsunami is to act just as a "soap box " for the + & - points of NanoTech.


    I just post a few news items to get the ball rolling..... For up to date news etc keep checking the site.


    However, if you have something to say ( in Dutch ) I have lots of space to publish your news & views, just email it too me.


    With kind regards


    David W.G. Voyle.

  8. Well its not meant in anyway to be spam !


    Nano Tsunami is an Independent European based NanoTech News Portal


    We offer daily headline news about the emerging MNT, micro- mems- and nanotechnology industry, from all around the globe.


    We also offer Dutch, German, France language news and developments about research, applications, and above all NanoTech Products available within the European Nano Tech market.


    Our target audience is anyone interested in all developments within the emerging world of NanoTech , we also try hard to focus on forthcoming NanoTech products as and when they emerge.


    Our Web site is free to all and we no subscription service ( or to date ) newsletter service.


    If these news items fall outside of your remit just let me known and I will happy cancel my membership.


    With Kind regards


    David Voyle.

  9. New Nanotech Device Could Revolutionize Blood Testing


    Like the small fingerstick devices that have revolutionized management of insulin therapy for people with diabetes, BioSensus, Inc., is developing a rapid and inexpensive monitor for anticoagulant therapy that could make a major difference for millions of patients.


    It could also send BioSensus over the top as an overnight success in the medical device industry. The company is eying a $1 billion blood coagulation and hemostatic assay market, according to NanoBiotech News, the only weekly, independent news source on the business and science of nanomedicine development.


    Worldwide, about 6 million people are treated with oral anticoagulant therapy to prevent the formation of blood clots in atrial fibrillation, deep vein thrombosis, heart attack, stroke and other potentially life-threatening conditions. In American hospitals, hundreds of thousands of patients receive intravenous heparin therapy on a temporary basis, to reduce the risk of clots….read the wave www.nano-tsunami.com

  10. Imagining the future of nanotechnology


    Tabletop boxes will soon be pumping out microchips at lightning speed from a desk near you. Multibillion-dollar foundries will be replaced and the face of manufacturing will be forever altered.


    To digest this, some may have to suspend their disbelief.


    But for visionaries such as Douglas Mulhull, author of Our Molecular Future, a version of the above scenario is already happening.


    Mulhull was in Ottawa last month to talk about nanotechnology at a speaking event hosted by the local branch of the Canadian Information Processing Society.


    Mulhull observed that microchips are already being printed "on a board in a box", thanks to the adaptation of bubble-jet printing to the production of three-dimensional objects that actually work. Such "boxes" are already manufacturing some types of programmable chips, surgical models and car parts, said Mulhull, who urges us to imagine the disruptive influence of replacing a $4-billion factory with boxes that sit on a tabletop and cost anywhere from $75,000 to $750,000. Add to that the replacement of silicon with diamond derivatives, which run 100 times faster at a tenth of the heat, said Mulhull.


    Imagine indeed. …read the wave www.nano-tsunami.com

  11. Building a Scale Sensitive Enough to Weigh a Virus


    Cornell University researchers already have been able to detect the mass of a single cell using submicroscopic devices. Now they're zeroing in on viruses. And the scale of their work is becoming so indescribably small that they have moved beyond the prefixes "nano" "pico" and "femto" to "atto." And just in sight is "zepto."

    Members of the Cornell research group headed by engineering professor Harold Craighead report they have used tiny oscillating cantilevers to detect masses as small as 6 attograms by noting the change an added mass produces in the frequency of vibration. ...read the wave www.nano-tsunami.com





    Convergence with Drug Delivery Systems and Nanotechnology Promises to Improve Patients' Lives, Ease Pain and Keep Patients out Of Hospitals


    Just as sophisticated automobile sensors improve gas mileage and provide increased safety and protection for drivers and passengers, rapid advances in the use of smart sensors implanted in the human body promise to prevent deaths, ease pain, and help the elderly live more independently.


    The Health Technology Center's (HealthTech) latest report, The Future of Sensors for Monitoring, describes the transition of already widely used sensor technologies from merely sending early warning signals to physicians to actually delivering therapeutic responses to patients whenever needed....read the wave www.nano-tsunami.com


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