Yoni Leitersdorf

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Berichten die geplaatst zijn door Yoni Leitersdorf

  1. TV4Business, Perry and Jeroen - thank you very much for your replies. Definetly helps put us in the right direction.


    Regarding PICNIC - my brother and managing director of YL Ventures, Yoav, will be attending - so you'll get to see him there. Feel free to say hi.


    Jeroen, regarding your last question:

    We are looking for companies with unique technological intellectual property (as opposed to solely riding on existing technologies) and who believe our strategy of investment is a good fit for their exit plan. Also, we are very hands-on, and take a very proactive role in the company once the investment is made.


    If you would like to explore this in-depth, maybe in the form of an interview, I suggest contacting Yoav (yoav [at] ylventures dot com).


    Thank you all again for the information.

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