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Berichten die geplaatst zijn door AmsterdamJoe

  1. I own a B.V in Netherlands(single owner/director) and I am a contractor (freelancer B.V but not ZZP). I also have another employee working in the Netherlands in this B.V. What I heard from a job agent is that if I pick up a job contract in any EU country, then the first six months I can make a deal directly with my B.V. And after six months I have to create a limited company in the foreign country where I live or work with an umbrella company as an employee there.


    1) This first 6 months part, is it true? ( I think a Dutch B.V cannot make a deal with another company when I live there).

    2) If this statement is true then which country would the tax be paid? (income from a foreign country through me in foreign country itself and income from Dutch employee in NL?)


    Let us assume the foreign country as Spain.


  2. [You may reply in Dutch as I read this in Dutch :)] I am in a similar situation. I have a B.V in Netherlands and 1 employee(I am the only director/owner). But I plan to move to England to work. And in England I create a new limited company(to work as a freelancer). I do not have an address in Netherlands. My Dutch company employee works from his home.


    What is confusing is

    1) I hear people say when the owner moves abroad(UK), the B.V moves to UK and the owner pays all tax in UK.

    2) I also hear people say, all income received from the Dutch B.V is taxable in Netherlands (then why say B.V moved to UK with me? B.V did not move!). And all other income taxed in UK(fair enough).



  3. Yes, there is a solution to prevent it. It is possible to let your company(B.V, not sure how it applies to eenmanzak) run in Netherlands (when you are the sole director and you live abroad) with a trust company in Netherlands. A trust company(trust services) manages it for you. It might cost 3200 euro per year or so. Now, if you still manage the company from abroad(through the trust company) then that violates the trust company purpose. So you would need to dig deeper how that works. There are specific rules set up for that.


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