Matteo Zingale

  • Aantal berichten

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  • Laatst bezocht

Berichten die geplaatst zijn door Matteo Zingale

  1. Hello everybody im Matteo i start as a freelance Chef in September and i did by myself the first two-quarter declaration of Vat.

    I put in the preload Vat only the Btv of 4 knifes 2 chef-jacket and one perfume that i bought for myself.

    For the moment i did not have a car so I go to work by public transport.

    I would like to know what type of cost i can i put as a cook that offers service, on my next preload tax.

    Some people told me that i can put something of my groceries some people told that I can put different things.

    Can someone give me more information possible about it?

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