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Berichten die geplaatst zijn door Kudakwashe

  1. On 1/10/2023 at 10:44 AM, Mikky Vrolijk said:

    Source: Chamber of Commerce


    Your gut feeling says that a foreign product has a chance of success on the Dutch market. You see it all and you are already in the starting blocks. Before you dive into the import adventure, you need to know what the market looks like and whether there is a need for your product. You can check this with market research. But how do you handle that?


    Read how you approach market research, what you need to research and which tools you can use for this on this page of KVK . There you will also find the setup for making your import plan. This allows you to map all the information that you have researched beforehand. This way you know whether your import plans are feasible.


    Do you have questions about importing? Then you are more than welcome to post it in this thread.


    Hi Mikky, 


    Would you happen to have any information on the import requirements of horticulture products such as peppers, tomatoes and the likes from Africa in general ? I am investigating the feasibility of importing horticultural products from Africa to Netherlands as I have connections with African farmers. 

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