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Berichten die geplaatst zijn door Sabinchen

  1. Hi,


    I'm looking for the right accounting and tax software. I have the following requirements:


    -Shopify connection for automatic invoices
    -Amazon connection for automatic invoices
    -OSS-btw connection to the tax office
    -connection to bank account


    Can someone give me a recommendation?


    I would also like to be able to prepare my annual financial statements myself. Is there extra software for this that you can pay for per year?


    Best regards



  2. Hello,


    I have a Dutch BV in Netherlands and a sole proprietorship in Germany. I trade online with both companies via shops and marketplaces. I would like to sell goods from my German company to my Dutch company. Is this allowed? If so, what rules apply, especially regarding price. I am concerned that the tax office could see the sales as profit shifting.


    Best regards


    Sabine Abter

  3. According to Wikipedia's article, you also have to pay the DGA salary if a family member holds over 5% of the company shares. So if my father is the managing director, but I as the son hold 95.1% of the shares, I nethertheless have to pay him dga salary. :(



    "Een aandeelhouder heeft een aanmerkelijk belang in een vennootschap, zoals een besloten vennootschap of een naamloze vennootschap, in de volgende gevallen: (..) 4. de aandeelhouder heeft zelf geen aanmerkelijk belang, maar een bloed- of aanverwant in de rechte lijn van hem wel."


    Am I right?

  4. Hi Joost Rietvield, hi Norbert Bakker,


    Thank you for both of your answers. I will give my father 4.9% of the shares. In Germany, the managing director is not considered an employee, which is why there is no obligation to pay the minimum wage. Is a managing director considered an employee in the Netherlands? I would just like to save myself the work of dealing with payroll, social security contributions, etc. For the little work that he does, my father receives 4.9% of the company.

  5. Ik wil graag een BV oprichten. Het probleem hierbij is dat ik het DGA-salaris wil vermijden. Volgens mijn informatie hoeft u het DGA-salaris niet te betalen als de directeur niet meer dan 5% van de aandelen in de onderneming bezit. Als partner wil ik 95% van het bedrijf bezitten en mijn vader krijgt als directeur 5% van de aandelen zonder salaris. Is dat mogelijk?


    Antwoord indien mogelijk in het Engels.




    I would like to set up a BV. The problem here is that I want to avoid the DGA salary. According to my information, you do not have to pay the DGA salary if the managing director does not own more than 5% share in the company. As a partner, I want to own 95% of the company and my father, as managing director, gets 5% of the shares without a salary. Is that possible?


    If possible, please answer in English.

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