25/5 BioPartner Matchmaking Event

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BioPartner Matchmaking Event 2004

Meet your match: 25 May 2004

Congrescenter Amstelveen


In today’s competitive business climate, making the right match with financial parties has become top-priority for life sciences entrepreneurs. At BioPartner, we recognize the importance of creating the right match and see that as our responsibility to generate a suitable environment for matchmaking. That environment is the BioPartner Matchmaking Event 2004.


The BioPartner Matchmaking Event is completely dedicated to bringing entrepreneurs and investors together. It is therefore an opportunity not to be missed by anyone, whether entrepreneur or investor, who is serious about being successful in the life sciences.



BioPartner is the starting point for companies in the life sciences industry in the Netherlands. The organisation makes available money, information, advice and facilities during the seed, advice and facilities during the seed, start and solo phases of enterprise.


Heeft mijn antwoord je goed geholpen? Dan is een reusje nooit weg.


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