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Nano Tsunami :Imagining the future of nanotechnology

Imagining the future of nanotechnology


Tabletop boxes will soon be pumping out microchips at lightning speed from a desk near you. Multibillion-dollar foundries will be replaced and the face of manufacturing will be forever altered.


To digest this, some may have to suspend their disbelief.


But for visionaries such as Douglas Mulhull, author of Our Molecular Future, a version of the above scenario is already happening.


Mulhull was in Ottawa last month to talk about nanotechnology at a speaking event hosted by the local branch of the Canadian Information Processing Society.


Mulhull observed that microchips are already being printed "on a board in a box", thanks to the adaptation of bubble-jet printing to the production of three-dimensional objects that actually work. Such "boxes" are already manufacturing some types of programmable chips, surgical models and car parts, said Mulhull, who urges us to imagine the disruptive influence of replacing a $4-billion factory with boxes that sit on a tabletop and cost anywhere from $75,000 to $750,000. Add to that the replacement of silicon with diamond derivatives, which run 100 times faster at a tenth of the heat, said Mulhull.


Imagine indeed. …read the wave www.nano-tsunami.com

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7 antwoorden op deze vraag

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Well its not meant in anyway to be spam !


Nano Tsunami is an Independent European based NanoTech News Portal


We offer daily headline news about the emerging MNT, micro- mems- and nanotechnology industry, from all around the globe.


We also offer Dutch, German, France language news and developments about research, applications, and above all NanoTech Products available within the European Nano Tech market.


Our target audience is anyone interested in all developments within the emerging world of NanoTech , we also try hard to focus on forthcoming NanoTech products as and when they emerge.


Our Web site is free to all and we no subscription service ( or to date ) newsletter service.


If these news items fall outside of your remit just let me known and I will happy cancel my membership.


With Kind regards


David Voyle.

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Ohwiseone, I miss the point in here. :o

I mean a topic without a problem or question is not quite interesting.


Nano-technology is a kick ass technology with enormuous competences. I would like to discuss this technology in a way how it will change society and how it will break the economic rules of capital, labor and nature.


If you start such a topic "ohwiseone" I will be pleased to read articles and investigations.

doe wat alleen jij kan doen

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Firstly, thank you for replying to the "bericht ".


Please note you can always write to me in Dutch, as reading is easier than writting it !


The idea of Nano Tsunami is to act just as a "soap box " for the + & - points of NanoTech.


I just post a few news items to get the ball rolling..... For up to date news etc keep checking the site.


However, if you have something to say ( in Dutch ) I have lots of space to publish your news & views, just email it too me.


With kind regards


David W.G. Voyle.

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I just post a few news items to get the ball rolling..... For up to date news etc keep checking the site.

However, if you have something to say ( in Dutch ) I have lots of space to publish your news & views, just email it too me.

Well, ahh....I guess it's better to stop placing news up here before the admin will close all topics. Just start one topic and place your views in it. If your problem is "how do I get traffic on my site " there will be people out here who can help you. ;)


Well, the website has a great name and a nice slogan my compliments. But I dislike the upper-frame (too big), and the news frame is too small and too broad, I have to use the 'roller' all the time (i'm using 800*600 screen display).


doe wat alleen jij kan doen

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Regarding your remarks regarding the site


Thank you ( I think ) ):-


I am not looking for Dutch traffic.... the site is gets vistors from all around the globe and my Dutch vistors account for under the 5% of the total traffic.


Thats says something about NanoTech here in Holland !!!!


I have posted the news items just to give the issues a push.... its up to the rest of you to go on from here..........


With kind regards





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Thats says something about NanoTech here in Holland !!!!

I have posted the news items just to give the issues a push.... its up to the rest of you to go on from here..........

With kind regards


Well after Bangladesh and Taiwan we might have the highest population-density in the world, but we still account for only 16 million global citizens. So 5% is quite a lot if your Tsunami touches the whole world. :D



doe wat alleen jij kan doen

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