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Need Info regarding open and start a company with a foreign NON-EU Director

Hi All,

First of all congratulation on 20th anniversary of Highlevel.nl community.


I want to start and open a company with foreign NON-EU partner.

I have prepared some questions regarding my proposal status and requirements. 

As I am initiator so I will ask very basic questions having believe that every one here was in the same condition and this form is ready to help for initiators.  


My status:


Name: Asad Maqsood

Currently living and doing a job in the Netherlands, having HSM visa.



Foreign non-EU business partner Status:


He is my friend, currently living out of Europe and running a Management consultancy company that deals with pharmaceutical companies in the USA.


He wishes to open/register a branch of his company in the Netherlands in order to expand his business.


He wants to come to the Netherlands “occasionally” whenever required for conferences, seminars and business meetings.


He will pay all taxes and other expenses on his own.


He is willing to hire a local representative/director from the Netherlands (in this case my wife) to provide his clients a physical presence of his company.




Now my questions are:


  1. What are different possibilities to setup a company here in Netherlands (as he wants to join as a foreign director of the company)
  2. Can he (my friend) individually open and start a company while staying out of Europe? Or does he require someone like me as a partner to set up a company here?
  3. Is it required to show some assets, previous bank transactions, companies previous records or potential clients?
  4. What are the conditions to open a bank account for his company?
  5. Does he really need a physical office in the Netherlands or is it possible to work from home?
  6. How much does the minimum monthly/yearly cost in terms of taxes and other expenses like the salary, office etc.?
  7. What is the max time and initial cost to start a “relevant type of company” that meets all above requirements
  8. Can I personally start a company and work as a business partner with my friend while continuing to work at my current company? If the answer is yes! So, what are the consequences of my job contract's non-compete and non-solicitation clauses? [The field/type of the business of my friend's company is not totally matched with my current employer's business type.]




Waiting for your quick and detailed reply



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