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working remotely in the NL for a UK company



I have a question regarding my current working situation.


I just moved to the NL and I work for remotely for a company that's based in the UK, I have a contract as a 'contractor', so I provide the company with my services, I'm not a direct employee of the company.

The contract is for an undisclosed time and they are my only client.


My question is, how can I legalise my status in terms of paying taxes, social security, etc.? I'm a bit lost as I see I could also register as a freelancer but I'm not sure if it's applicable to my case, as I don't have any other clients, and work full time for this company as a contractor.


Is there a way I can either register as a freelancer and pay my taxes like that, and what does this imply, or is there another figure I could use in order to get my situation legalised?  I'm super lost but I just want to do things right.


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10 antwoorden op deze vraag

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18 hours ago, Jeroen Kisters RPLU ARe said:

Hi, welcome to HL!


How did you get paid before you moved to the NL and from which country? By sending them an invoice?

Hi! thanks for your reply!


So I moved from outside the EU. I got paid via wire transfers and sending them an invoice each month.

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1 hour ago, Jeroen Kisters RPLU ARe said:


So, you have or had a company outside the EU? If yes, was that a ltd. or for example a LLC?

No, I don't have a company, I've only work as a contractor for them, so I issued invoices, I did register as a freelancer, as to say, to pay my taxes where I lived before, so I was given a number for that by the tax department. But I was not registered as a company.

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45 minuten geleden, dodo25 zei:

But I was not registered as a company.


I wish for you it was that simple also in NL. But unfortunately it isn't.


My suggestion is that you start reading what is mentioned on the site of the Dutch Company House ('KVK') about freelancing and go from there.


I gather you've also registered with the municipality in which you live to obtain a so called 'burgerservicenummer i.e., BSN'?

aangepast door Jeroen Kisters RPLU ARe

Met vriendelijke groet,


Jeroen Kisters RPLU ARe

Adviseur juridisch risicomanagement, Risicodeskundige aansprakelijkheid & Getuige-deskundige Beroepsaansprakelijkheid

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53 minutes ago, Jeroen Kisters RPLU ARe said:


I wish for you it was that simple also in NL. But unfortunately it isn't.


My suggestion is that you start reading what is mentioned on the site of the Dutch Company House ('KVK') about freelancing and go from there.


I gather you've also registered with the municipality in which you live to obtain a so called 'burgerservicenummer i.e., BSN'?

thanks for all the help... yeah, I've done the registration too... I'm checking out the website, although I'm not sure if I need to have more "clients" in order to be able to fulfil the requirements to be registered as a freelancer, as I only work with this one company as their contractor...


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Here's the thing. According to Dutch Trade Law you (very probably) need to register a company but the Dutch IRS may not regard you as an entrepreneur for tax purposes. However, that will sort itself when you register.


If you register at the 'KVK' they'll automatically inform the Dutch IRS and they'll contact you.

Met vriendelijke groet,


Jeroen Kisters RPLU ARe

Adviseur juridisch risicomanagement, Risicodeskundige aansprakelijkheid & Getuige-deskundige Beroepsaansprakelijkheid

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12 minuten geleden, dodo25 zei:

so, you mean register the KVK as a company or as a freelancer? and if I do need to register as a company the IRS will contact me to understand the nature of my commercial activity, so to speak?



In respect of the Company House ('KVK') there's no difference between a freelancer, contractor i.e., 'ZZP'er' in NL contrary to other countries. And yes, if you register the Dutch IRS will contact you. For example you'll maybe be needing a VAT number but again that will sort itself when they contact you.

Met vriendelijke groet,


Jeroen Kisters RPLU ARe

Adviseur juridisch risicomanagement, Risicodeskundige aansprakelijkheid & Getuige-deskundige Beroepsaansprakelijkheid

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51 minutes ago, Jeroen Kisters RPLU ARe said:


In respect of the Company House ('KVK') there's no difference between a freelancer, contractor i.e., 'ZZP'er' in NL contrary to other countries. And yes, if you register the Dutch IRS will contact you. For example you'll maybe be needing a VAT number but again that will sort itself when they contact you.

OK, so the best I can do now is register there and see what applies to my case, basically.

I hope it's not too complicated though... thanks for your guidance!

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