20 november Convergence of Technology

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The Club of Amsterdam provides a bridge between industry, education and science.


Join us at our first evening event:



On Wednesday, November 20th from 19:30 till 22:00.


- Nanotech - is all hype and science fiction?

- Will Nanotech influence your business in the future?

- How close is Nanotech to you - now?

- When will you achieve success?


Our keynote speaker of the evening Tim Harper, the leading European analyst on Nanobusiness and CEO of CMP Cientifica Spain. He will be sharing with us his specialized insights on Nanotechnology

and business decisions.


On our panel are:

- Monique A. Schoondorp, Co-Founder and Director Fund Acquisitions, Biomade B.V.

- Jan Willem van der Kamp, Programme Director Biotechnology TNO

- Karel van der Poel, Founder & CEO, Blue-Nova and our host Ineke Malsch, Owner-Director of Malsch TechnoValuation.


Join the Club of Amsterdam in a dynamic evening on learning, sharing and meeting.


Where: Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Auditorium, Weesperzijde 190, Amsterdam (next to the



Visit our website: http://www.clubofamsterdam.com


Heeft mijn antwoord je goed geholpen? Dan is een reusje nooit weg.


contact: www.dewitte.org | Innovation + Business + Finance

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