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Artikel: VCs Call for U.S. Innovation

Hoi mede-HLers,


In Amerika hebben VCs ook problemen, zie onderstaand persbericht.


The National Venture Capital Association pushes to raise U.S. competitiveness.

April 27, 2006


The National Venture Capital Association on Thursday called for strengthening the competitive position of the United States in the global economy and encouraging technological innovation.


The group, which represents over 480 VC and private equity firms, said its initiative, known as MAGNET—Maximizing America’s Growth for the Nation’s Entrepreneurs and Technologists—aims to develop a larger, homegrown pool of creative mathematicians and scientists by encouraging math and science education in the U.S.


As venture capital increasingly flows to countries like China and India, the Silicon Valley-based group hopes to encourage more investment by spurring the kind of innovation that will help VCs identify more revenue-generating opportunities from startups with a competitive edge.


“The present environment in the U.S. is simply not as conducive to nurturing innovation as it once was for a number of economic, social, and political reasons,” Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA, said in a statement. “Opportunity is an irresistible force. We want to ensure there remains plenty of it in the U.S.”


Another priority of the initiative, however, is to attract immigrants who can bring innovative ideas and technical skills to U.S. companies. The NVCA believes the U.S. has to work harder to attract technology innovators from other countries to come to work in the U.S. or risk having to import the technology from abroad.


As part of that goal, the NVCA said it will continue to support legislation to ease restrictions on the immigration and employment of these types of employees.


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