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JMpictures's trofeeën

Bedrijfs- of organisatieomschrijving

JMpictures is an innovative video production company based in The Hague, The Netherlands, providing total video production services for corporate clients. We provide an end-to-end solution allowing complete control of your video production, from the initial planning stage and scripting, to distributing the finished film. You decide how much of the project you wish to manage in house, and how much we can do. We are a video company that explains everything to our clients so that you can relax and enjoy the results of your finished Corporate Video. By combining our wealth of experience and technical expertise, we will help you to get your message on screen (be it PC, TV or web-based), with minimum fuss and maximum impact. No big talks, no exaggerated tall stories... you provide the frame, will deliver the picture. JMpictures a frame for every picture (read less)

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