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Alles dat geplaatst werd door fra_imoda

  1. Hello, I am a young ondernemer, mostly professional dancer (also teaching) I have started m ondernemin (eenmanzaak) in LImburg, but nowadays most of my clients are in Amsterdam, I am already working for a couple of them, and there are also most of y business opportunities for the future, therefore I will be moving to an appartment in Amsterdam. This means of course moving my business too (kvk+belastingdienst). In my case, as dancer of course my house is not my workingspace, even though it is the main vestiging,legal address of my eenmanzaak, and where all my administration is done. Are the verhuizing kosts (car rental, contracts, administration) then aftrekbare in my case too, or will it just be considered as private, even though the basic reason for moving is work? Thank you! Francesca Imoda
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