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Alles dat geplaatst werd door hanamici

  1. Thank you very much for your prompt response and your tips. I will definitely look into the issues you mentioned. Thanks again! Gr. H.
  2. Hello everybody. Sorry for the English, my Dutch is not good enough to explain the situation. My story is the following: I am at the same time Owner of 10% of a company in Breda, I am an employee of the company with a fixed (no deadline) contract, and I am also 1 of the 2 Directors registered (with "independent signature") at the KvK. Now, our company is undergoing some financial difficulties. In the past, I have been told, there was the possibility to receive some subsidies or to legally get the employees to reduce working hours to part-time in order to save some money for (hopefully) better times, but it seems that this option is not possible anymore (I've been asking the "Antwoord voor bedrijven" people). So, the other Director (also owner of 10% of the company and employee at once) and the third employee (remaining shareholder with 80% of the shares) decided that the last resort was to fire me. Of course I am just slightly against this decision, and therefore have the following questions: 1) Can the other Director go to the KvK and "take away" my rights as Director myself? 2) Can he even fire me at all? (What if I decide to fire HIM: is it like a gunslinger fight in a spaghetti-western movie, where who draws first wins?) 3) Do you have any tips to manage these kinds of situations? Give or take, we have 3-4 months worth of salaries if things don't change. What would you do? Thank you in advance for your time and advice. Regards, H.
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