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lamante's trofeeën

  1. Hi, I am considering to establish a company in the Netherlands but the information I found on the website of Belastingdienst is somewhat unclear for me. I would like to know exactly how much tax should a company pay after an employee. I found a payroll tax calculator (Nettoloon 2015 berekenen) on the web, which clearly shows what is the net salary after taxation. In my home country we distinguish two kinds of taxes; 1. tax that is allocated for the employee, and 2. tax that is allocated for the employer (practically both kinds are deducted from the gross wage and paid by the employer to the tax authority). This makes me confused a little bit because according to the Nettoloon 2015 berekenen calculator I only see one type of taxation; Loonheffing. Is this mean that you do not have this (employee-employer) distinction in the Netherlands but only have one "big" tax which includes everything? Or do I have to calculate with anything else extra that a company has to pay besides Loonheffing? Thank you for your feedback! Met vriendelijke groet, Lamante
  2. Dear Sir, I would like to know if it is possible for an informal association (vereniging zonder notariele akte) to hire a paid employee (not volunteer) or not? Thank you for you answer!
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