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    Looking for people who have pain or physical complaints during sitting on office chair. Or make extremely long sitting days at the office and want to have the best office chair.

Berrevoets-ergonomie's trofeeën

Ik bied zelf

There are lots of people with physical complaints during sitting. For example after a medical procedure or chronic disability. Some of them are close to be not able to keep doing there sitting work. Beside this, the amount of sitting hours at the office are still rising. Lots of people would like to have a guaranteed good purchase of the best office chair. 


We, as a company are offering  a guaranteed better sitting experience at the office! We do this by offering a office chair custom made if necessary. Our clients have the ability to test the product for one week for free. So its not because I say its the best solution or because I custom made the chair. Its because they feel themselves and they know for sure they made the right choice.


We are here to help you,

Kind regards,

Marc Berrevoets

Specialised Physiotherapist,

founder of Berrevoets, ergonomische zitoplossingen(ergonomic sit solutions).

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