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rickyoga's trofeeën

  1. Thanks Roel, yes a few thousand of those signatures are from students at our schools. Any insight on small businesses and rent agreements? I know there has been a lot talk, though have yet to hear any action. Our landlord says we can pay a little now, and have the rest to pay later, which is a short term bandaid and a long term burden
  2. We have 2 yoga schools in Amsterdam, 15 teachers and 12k per month rent, and a bunch of other costs. We had to close our doors on the 16th of March, our omzet went to 0 immediately. As it presently stands, we do not qualify for the tegenmoetkoming because our sbi-code is overige recreatie (there is no code for yogaschool at the kvk, so they assign either overige recreatie, or sportonderwijs. I really hope that the government will ask building owners to also share in this painful situation, allowing business owners to pay 50% rent, so it is a shared sacrifice. Still not easy, however much improved
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