Social Economic Enterprise

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    Keurenplein 41 Unit C9329, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1069CD, Nederland
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    The Netherlands
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    Stichting Social Economic Enterprises
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Social Economic Enterprise's trofeeën

Bedrijfs- of organisatieomschrijving




Foundation of Social Economic Enterprises structure was incorporated into the Dutch Chamber of Commerceas a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) in March 2020.


The foundation operates on a social model which is also, in fact, the 3 pillars of Sustainability[ii]. The board consists of 4 members spanning the globe from Scotland to Spain, Ukraine to the United Kingdom and Australia. Each member of the board share a common aim which is to find the causal link and break the 'status quo'.


For the greater good of the communities which we endeavour to make a difference we remain different. We do this by randomly selecting how and where our funds are raised. Importance greater than this is an ethical supply chain that shares a duty to care unto the foundation and who adheres to inspections certifying quality control.

This way every person encountering Social Economic Enterprises may be reassured that the regulations which we follow may well add another level of reliability when deciding whether to engage in the scope of our activities.

A precedent for a legal duty to care can be found in the case of Donohue v Stevenson[iii] whereby a legal requirement of people within any organization, owes a standard of care which is reasonable to those who we associate ourselves with. We believe this simple aim is bolstered by how we recognize and apply this legal requirement to our day to day lives.



Each one of Social Economic Enterprises activities undertaken demonstrates our commitment to accountability, therefore, remaining compliant within the Law. Our Duty of Care exists like tree roots in the ground, we actively feed off these roots, then spread and plant this wellness around so that others themselves can do the same.


We do not expect that every day will be a good day because this is impossible. Secondly, our days are made much better when people choose to place and then engage their trust into the foundation. The foundation is not for profit, but we do profit when our efforts become a place of refuge, reflection, and reintegration for people from all walks of life.


Members of the Board are highly skilled and gifted individuals with unique talents. The Foundation aims to take hold of opportunities by not only overseeing the individuals re- development,  but also being amongst the communities, being on the front lines, being immersed in extraordinary situations.

We believe that by being unique our proximity also demonstrates; we do take our Duty to Care seriously and this is by far our greatest resource.


By reaching out to individuals and communities and by placing a greater onus of dependability, Social Economic Enterprises uphold a duty to care which is carried from start to finish throughout project infrastructure including but not limited to teaching workshops which themselves guarantee to engage and encourage participation.

All board members have certified competency as well as volunteering staff who work with us. By harnessing local skills this Foundation also looks to structure this framework by returning the rewards to the individual or in the case of communities return these resources to the good of the wider community and beyond.


We love to invite you to see how great our resources are.



Incorporation date 25th March 2020 (Dutch Chamber of Commerce) KVK 77715934

[ii]  [2002] World Summit on Sustainable Development (Moldan et al)

[iii]  Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] A.C. 562 

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