Martina C.

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Berichten die geplaatst zijn door Martina C.

  1. Thank you both Norbert and Bert for your answers.


    Speaking about the regulations I was mainly referring to the Excise taxes. The rest indeed looked quite straight forward. As suggested I will check with an accountant, which will probably make my job easier.


    Also, thanks for pointing out the topic of the age check. I just thought it was enough to put a mandatory selection for the customer to declare that they are older than 18 as I have seen in multiple webshops, but I'll dig deeper.


  2. Hi everyone,


    I am working on the business plan for a company I hopefully will open soon.

    I will be selling online, via my own web shop food and beverages (including wines and beers) from a selection of producers from other EU countries.

    Since I will handpick the producers myself, initially I thought I would just import myself the products. The producers are mainly really small, so I do not expect them to export themselves.

    But as I'm digging in all the regulations and documentation I start wondering if it wouldn't be more practical to hire an importer for that.


    My questions here are:

    - can an importer be hired to import really specific products (even if the volumes are small)? 

    - does anyone have a similar business and wants to share their experience and tips on why to import yourself vs hire an importer?


    Thank you very much!




  3. Hi everyone,

    I am new here and working on the business plan for a company I am planning to start soon.

    I am considering different options logistically for my (food/beverages) products. They are products produced and imported from another EU country. They would come already packaged, but I will sell them in a box mixing multiple products.


    I see 2 options (open to different suggestions if you might have), which I would like to evaluate:

    - I store the products myself and pack the boxes on my own location and ship to the end customer;

    - I find a partner which can take care of storage, pack the boxes and deliver.

    In the second case I am not sure which kind of company I should look for. From my limited knowledge co-packing companies are actually packing the single products and not just putting in a box different products already packaged. So here I am a bit lost, can someone help me?


    Thank you very much.

  4. Good morning everyone,

    I am in the process of starting my business, offering community management services as a freelancer. I could immediately start working for a company based in the Canary Islands. Since the amount of work I will have will probably not allow me to take in more customers, my question is, what is the best way to do so? I read that it's not possible to work as a freelancer for only one customer, is that right? Does that apply also for customers based abroad? Which construction would best suit my situation? I hope someone can help me clarify those doubts.

    Thank you very much to anyobe who has some information or can direct me where to find some answers.


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