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Alles dat geplaatst werd door KellyR

  1. Hallo! I had an eenmanzaak in NL from 2005-2011, and I plan on moving my company back to NL from the US. It is a different business than the first one I had there. I have some questions regarding the best way to start another one, specifically: -is it better to apply for an MVV or a start up visa? -eenmanzak or BV? -looking for recommendations for an accountant and someone who can assist me in writing a business plan for the Dutch market. I am an autism career coach and consultant, and I work to support other adults on the spectrum in ther search for employment and education. I am also autistic, and sometimes find it overwhelming to go through all of this on my own (although I have done it before), there are a lot more resources on the internet nw and so I am reaching out for support and recommendations. I hope that is ok. I will be in Amsterdam 18-27 April, and will either move my buisness or apply for the start up programme whilst there, and I am hoping to return in late summer. Thank you! Kelly
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