Melanie ter Meulen

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  • Plaats
    The Hague, The Netherlands

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    want to do more business in Canada, such as open an office or invest

Melanie ter Meulen's trofeeën

Ik bied zelf

As multicultural seasoned business professional I work as Trade Commissioner at the Canadian Embassy, The Hague, Netherlands. The Netherlands remains Canada's second largest export market in Europe and one of the top 10 in the world. The Netherlands is also the 2nd largest source of investment in Canada and an important innovation-intense economy. Canada's low tax environment, exceptional business services value chain and multilingual talent, make it one of the best places to establish a business. Opportunities can be found in sectors such as value added food, energy (renewable and conventional), infrastructure, business services, advanced manufacturing, and ICT to name a few. For assistance in the Dutch and/or Canadian market please contact me in The Hague at: or:
Specialties: Communicator, multilingual skills. Key-words: hands-on, practical, service-minded, dynamic, multilingual and multicultural. Interested to develop and learn every day.

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