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  1. Thank you for the help! I will read the regulations about consumer rights, especially their privacy and abide by them.
  2. Hi Joost, It is web application. I want to explore the consumer behaviour and how do they interact with the product? I want to learn if it solves their problems. I do not want to generate any revenue at the moment. As I mentioned I only want to come in contact with few early adopters who can work with me to re-iterate and improve the product so that we can actually generate value for the customer. Regards, Ahad.
  3. Are there any legal procedures we need to follow to be able to test MVP? I have been working few months to develop an MVP. I want to find out whether it is allowed to test out MVP with the potential customers? On they instruct Entrepreneurs to test their business ideas, however, they do not provide any further details about it. Does anyone here has similar experiences of developing an MVP and then testing it? Please do comment. I want to know more about this.
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