Matthew Small

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Persoonlijke info

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  • Adres
    Kraanspoor 50 , Amsterdam, North Holland, 1033SE , Nederland
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  • Bedrijfs- of organisatienaam
    MA&SH International
  • Email
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  • Vestigingsplaats
    Zug Switzerland head office and EU branch Amsterdam Netherlands
  • Telefoonnummer
  • Branche
    Administratie & accountancy
  • Branche 2
  • Websiteadres

Visie op

  • Ik ben geïnteresseerd in
    have experience in the Netherlands bringing new functional beverages into the EU market especially the Netherlands who have experience in getting through the large amount of EU paperwork and who have succeccfully launch a distruptive beverage successfully.
  • Mijn mening over innovatie
    The world could not survive without it, it would implode and eventually go into a reverse downhill cycle towards implosion.
  • Mijn mening over ondernemerschap
    Entrepreneurship is stepping out of the security most humans need. If you believe in your product, you do your research then you have to offer something people want, bringing a different skill set to the game, being an entrepreneur is a mindset many people who have been employed struggle to find. set your rules and follow them, look only to your end goal and don't listen to the noise around you, pinpoint focus from the start until your product has life, then u adapt to the new situations around you.

Matthew Small's trofeeën

Mijn expertises zijn

My experience of 15 yrs moving large volumes of product around the world, launching a new product into a new market and exactly how to pin point the attention of your customer, there are several key factors.   Brand association, how long it takes and how long until it is permenantly fixed to the customers perceptions.   when some says to you "soft drink" or "soda"   u think coco cola.  They continually keep your brain focused on their brand association with what ever it is they attach it to.    More than 3/4 of the worlds population see a coke add between 1 and 2 times per year, we instantly associate with it..  if you can get inside the customers head and you have a good product which is offering something people want, you have a good chance of receiving their association to your brand.

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