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Gwen_LockOloop's trofeeën

  1. Thanks Joost and Freeaqingme! I actually called the KVK before reading your replies and yeah, they basically said the same as you did. I'd like to keep the BV dormant I believe.
  2. The reason why I chose a B.V is that I come from Canada and chatted with someone there who owns a similar business as me, and she was adamant NOT to get a status equivalent to freelancer/self-employed because I'm handling food, and that means I have responsibility towards my customers if something goes wrong with the food. Looking back, I should have started with a self-employed status but thought I needed to do things this way right from the start (also I thought I would manage to start within 4 months of work, not a whole year...) I have been working as a freelancer in Canada in the past (as a videogame graphist) and am actually still working as such here to make ends meet so I have to issue a report for my personal income tax anyways. I would also be seriously annoyed to waste the 1000€ I spent in notary fees to start the BV only to register it again later (can I even do that? reuse the same name later?)
  3. Hi everyone, I started a B.V back in June 2021 to be able to make my zero waste shop a reality (I only really launched it in March 2022). I decided to go with a BV because I was advised against a freelancing or similar status for liability reasons (and also because a similar company as mine is registered as a B.V). Retrospectively, I'm not sure this was the best shot, but here we are. Now I'm having some questions regarding accountancy. My ex-accountant and I fell out of love because of recurring mistakes on his side (such as forgetting bills and submitting everything with a 21% tax while I mostly sell foodstuff) and a lack of communication. Additionally, I ended up reading that I did NOT have to pay payroll taxes every month according to this link, which is roughly 250€ per month that I wouldn't have to beg the Belastingdienst to pay me back (that was the real deal breaker) After that, I met a new accountant, who told me that considering my situation, I could do the BTW return myself thanks to a software, that they would issue the zero return for the payroll and they would only charge me for advice from time to time. However, this turned out to be a proposition for a subscription: that for 80€ per month excl. they would double-check if I did the BTW return correctly (which should be pretty simple to do since I can connect my webshop and my bank account directly to the software), would submit the payroll taxes report (zero return) every month, do the annual report (jaarrekening), the profit tax (vennootschapsbelasting) and would include any additional advice I could ask for. Considering the software costs me 10€ excl every month, that would effectively mean 90€ excl. per month for dealing with everything, which is basically the same price I was paying with my other accountant - except that this time, I have to do the BTW report myself which seems to me like it's the biggest chunk (but I might be mistaken). Considering the payroll and profit taxes are gonna be zero, that hopefully I only want them double-check my BTW report once (for the first quarter I will do on my own and taking into account that most of the info is implemented thanks to connecting my webshop and bank account to the software), and that the annual report will in my case only consist in beperkte balans because I'm a micro-company, does that sound like a fair price to you? Is there for example a possibility that I submit the payroll taxes report myself? Knowing that (< link) mentions costs between 600€ and 1800€ a year, do you think that is still reasonable nowadays? My business is still expanding, which is a nice way of saying that it's not doing well (hopefully, yet): nowadays, for my shop to reach 150€ of monthly turnover means I had a VERY good month. So at this point 90€ is a big sum for me and if I can put in extra work to lower it, I will. I am usually a trusting person in the sense that I believe that someone who works in a field is by default way more knowledgeable than me, especially as a foreigner. But in the recent years, there's a lot I did myself that I could have hired someone for and I realized that when it comes to accountancy and administration, some people are really afraid of dealing with numbers which is why they delegate things that they could easily do themselves. And of course, it also turned out that I couldn't rely on my old accountant and I had to do a part of their job by double-checking THEIR work, get in touch in the Belastingdienst which was extremely stressful, so I want to avoid being taken advantage of again. Thank you in advance for any feedback you could have for me, Gwen
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