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Alles dat geplaatst werd door alexbyrne1986

  1. Thanks again @Jeroen Kisters RPLU ARe It appears this form can't be edited online. Am i right in saying this can only be sent back via the post? There's no address to return it too of so Alex
  2. Thanks again for the answers @Jeroen Kisters RPLU ARe and @shoptillyoudrop To clarify your points Shoptillyoudrop. We'll be UK based: the Companies will be in Netherlands, and the candidates will also be in NL. We're a service provide and find talent. Essentially a candidates CV and introduce them to a Dutch Company. The candidates then interview and hopefully join that company and work for them in a permanent contract. Our service is purely as an "introducer" so we offer no payroll or employment contracts direct with my company/hyperloop. The Dutch market works as it's in the best timezone and language. and for tech is bouyant. With the above in mind, I only need to register with KVK. Which leads me to my last question. Are you then liable to file taxes?
  3. Thanks for the help @Jeroen Kisters RPLU ARe & @Ron van der Kolk So this is where I'm confused. We're a recruitment agency, but not a temp one. Temp one's should register but it doesn't site of permanent ones do. We charge a one off fee for a permanent candidate placement. so we're in the blurred lines of no permanent establishment. We'd therefore be VAT exempt. To be on the safe side, it says to register. But I wonder if that now means I'll be required to file accounts in Dutch? Any further help welcome
  4. Hello, I'm new here, and was wondering if you could provide some advice. I run a tech recruitment agency based in the UK. We're researching some new markets to expand and the dutch market seems really interesting. I'm curious, as a UK business what exactly that will entail end to end from a legal, financial and tax perspective. We intend to set up as a company with a satelite office, but working from the UK. We'd potentially look at opening an office in a year to 18 months but as it stands, we'd need to try and establish a market first. Does anyone know what I need to do ? Thanks Alex
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