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Alles dat geplaatst werd door Shamil

  1. Hi Jeroen, Thank you very much! After posting it, I indeed found several posts on this forum and found the websites where I can purchase them. I was just unsure if I still needed business legal expense insurance as well. Thank you again! Kind regards, Shamil
  2. Hi, I am a new sole entrepreneur in the IT industry. My client has asked me to get the following insurance: "A copy of the policy schedule of the adequate insurance taken out by you to cover his legal and contractual liability (including professional and business liability)". I have found 3 different types of insurance which could fit the above description: 1) Business liability insurance 2) Business legal expenses insurance 3) Professional indemnity insurance Could you please tell me if I need to take one or more from the above list? Thank you in advance! Kind regards, Shamil
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