Ethernal Realms

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Alles dat geplaatst werd door Ethernal Realms

  1. Hello, I am an international person living in the Netherlands and I love it here! I have started an online store on Etsy which offers tarot and astrology readings. I have social media as well but it is really hard to put myself out there, especially when spirituality is not mainstream and many people shy away from these topics. I don't know how to meet people with similar interests, or other spirituality based business owners who can help me out. After 3 years of trying, I wonder if it's time to give up. Or is there somethings I have not tried. How did you make your spiritual business successful? And what would you have done differently in hindsight? By connecting with kvk I was asked to join forums to come into contact with like-minded people. So, HELLO! :) I would appreciate any and all help! Best, Ethernal Realms
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