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Alles dat geplaatst werd door MagdalenaS

  1. I really appreciate your advice! I will definitely take it in consideration - thats what I was leaning towards as well, and as the company grows, I assume may be best to switch then. Some private consultants were very stiff about opening a holding company, which I see is double the expense due to the fact we need 2 bv's for this to function. (also the notary deeds..) Thank you!
  2. Dear Joost, Yes, I am an EU citizen and I am registered - I do have a bsn and a DigID.
  3. This really depends on the market fluctuations and how my experience shows - there is alot of potential to grow quickly if I ace the marketing. With perfect sight in view maybe a bit less than 100k the first year, and at least 150k the next year.
  4. Hello, thank you! I read everything on the website and did follow up with the quiz, but it gives a 50/50 answer.
  5. I couldn't find any threads in English about this. I need help to chose the best establishment type, so I will brief my idea below: I want to open a company that will work with trading and (mainly) e-commerce. I initially thought of selling to platforms like Amazon, Bol, Aliexpress, etc. and eventually maybe connect Alibaba which is only for manufacturers. So this way I can use drop-shipping as an option, but also act as a company agent. My biggest competitive advantage is that I have a very reliable supplier from the Balkans (its our family company - I want to start an independent business with their support). If the business develops well, I plan to expand the reach to buying from different suppliers and more platforms, but will initially start with Amazon as the steadiest option. I won't go into too much detail, but I am convinced there is a lot of potential for this to grow. *I read a lot about the legal types and I contacted an agency that helps with startup processes and they strongly recommend a holding company + bv. It has tax and liability benefits, I know - but I'm a bit hesitant for 2 reasons: - If this is a way bigger cost and responsibility than I could take at the beginning; - It may be more beneficial for the consulting company I contacted than it would be for me because they complete your notarial deed(s)... The funds to start and pay the expenses for establishment are no problem, but I am not sure how much returns will I get from this in the first year. I am not risk averse, I just want to focus on the controllable aspects of the situation.
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