Beatriz Carvalho

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Alles dat geplaatst werd door Beatriz Carvalho

  1. Hello, I run a food centered collective with 4 other female friends Our aim is to curate our events (dining experiences) but also to cater other people's events. Four of the five people are registered as freelancers as we have all a KVK number, but one of us does not and is thinking of leaving the country in March (2024). I am wondering what legal structure would make the most sense for us - our profit is definitely below 150k as we are just starting out. I was indecisive between public (or closed?) partnership and cooperative. I wanted to understand what are the benefits and disadvantages of each legal structure. And I was even wondering if it would make more sense to register as a foundation & go to not-for-profit route? I also read about the SME profit exemption, and I was wondering how to be eligible for it and what the process looks like. I also read that we would need one of us to register as a UBO - what does this mean? And what does it entail? In terms of registering as a cooperative- there are differnt types of liability structures and I'm wondering what are the different adv / disadv of each structure. I am sorry if all these questions are too simple but I'm just very overwhelmed by all the websites and I also don't speak Dutch. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thank you
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