Hi there, hope somebody can advise me. I'm an EU student and have a part-time job in NL. I work about 8 hours (2 x shifts of 4 hours) per week for a fast food company. I have been working here for 1.5 years. I was recently offered another part-time job in a totally different industry for more pay which I accepted as it's related to what I'm studying. I will start in Feb 2024 and wanted to use this month to catch up on some projects that need completing. I gave written notification to the fast food company on 30 Dec that I will not be working anymore shifts. They replied that I need to provide a month's notice and continue working this month. So I would like to ascertain:
1. I never received a copy of my contract from them and can't remember what it says (I signed it on the premises and I forgot to ask for a copy). Can I use this as an excuse that I didn't know the contents of the contract?
2. What is the required notice period for a student working part time, less than 10 hrs per week?
3. Can they force me to provide 1 months notice? I heard that this is only applicable for permanent / long-term employment.
4. Can they withhold money from me if I don't give them a month's notice?
I would appreciate some advice.
Thank you,