Nils Schuler

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Alles dat geplaatst werd door Nils Schuler

  1. Thank you for the response and explanation. I will do some more digging to see how I proceed, but this was very helpful.
  2. Well, the contract will technically not be with me, but with the BV that I am to set-up, and is a fixed contract with that BV. Sorry that I didn't explain that beforehand. Because of that relationship (the contract being with the company and not me personally), I am unsure if an eenmanszaak would be viable.
  3. Hey, thanks for the reply. They would initially be the only company I work with, and it is a fixed employment contract, but all their EU-based employees are registered as contractors, to my understanding, through the BV's they set-up. Long term, there is a high likelihood of my involvement with a Dubai-based start-up as well, who would also become clients at that point, but that could be 6-12 months away.
  4. Hi, I am going to start working as a consultant for a UK based recruitment company in the coming weeks, and to be able to work for them, they suggested that I set up a BV. After speaking to a Dutch friend about it, he suggested that I should set up an eenmanszaak instead of a BV, as especially in my earning bracket, it is a smarter financial decision. I have no expenses or possible debts, so am not worried about the liability in that sense. I just do not know whether that will allow me to perform work for a foreign company in the same way as a BV would. Does anyone have any advice or experience on this matter? Do I need a BV, or will I be able to do everything I need with an eenmanszaak instead? I will try and respond to any questions as quickly as possible, and thanks in advance for your help.
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