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Alles dat geplaatst werd door bianca.paul.91

  1. Thank you for your detailed answer! so to make sure I understand, if I have a full time job + do freelancing as a ZZP on the side - I need to pay 2 times the mandatory health insurance. One time as a ZZP being determined by the amount I am earning and one time paid by my employer + me. What still doesn't make sense to me, but please help me understand is why do I need to contribute twice to this if I am one person, just because I am registered both as employee and and a freelancer. Thank you in advance!
  2. Hello, I am a full time employed and paying a normal monthly health insurance, but since I started freelancing on the side I get letters from Belastingdienst to pay additional mandatory health insurance as a freelancer (Zorgverzekering). I didn't really understand how does this make sense, why do I need to pay this one too, as if I am a different person, since I am already insured for health. Was not able to find this information online, maybe this community can help with an answer? Thank you in advance! Bianca
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