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Alles dat geplaatst werd door NGC2103

  1. Hi, In the last year, I have started a sole proprietorship in event organising. To make it simple, I create an event, rent a venue, advertise it, and sell tickets through a platform such as Eventix/Fourvenues. Every quarter, I declare my income tax return through belastingdienst zakelijk according to my earnings and spendings. Having to file my annual income tax return, I am faced with some doubts as to how I am supposed to file it. Now, I believe I don't qualify as an entrepreneur for income tax purposes. That being said, when I file my income, I need to declare how much I received and who was my employer, However, I am unsure what to fill in as employer or if I am even doing it the right way. Do i need to consider myself an entrepreneur for income tax purposes, or perhaps file the platform such as Eventix as my ''employer'' as I basically withdraw the ticket money from the platform. I am pretty lost and would appreciate any kind of help!
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