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  1. I have came across the forum while searching on the internet and spent several hours so far; it's great for me to find here! Thanks for all the contributions so far. There has been several topics around DGA salary but I couldn't find the answer for our situation. We, as three partners, have a BV which is owned by our holding BVs. Currently, I'm the director of the company on KVK; but the other partners are also actively contributing. All three of us have also their eenmanszaak or VOF companies in addition to holdings. Me(%35) and one of the shareholders(%50) are getting management fee through our holding BVs and we're also getting DGA salaries from our holdings. The other shareholder(%15) is getting the management fee through his eenmanszaak at this moment. Our company was setup last year in July and our tax calculation for 2023 wasn't done yet; but I don't expect to have a profit that we can distribute dividend to the shareholders. Here are the questions on my mind? -Can any shareholder get the management fee through their eenmanszaak like our third shareholder does? -Do all the shareholders need to receive a DGA salary from either our BV or from their holdings? Or is it enough for only of them get a DGA salary? -I also own a VOF and my second partner has an eenmanszaak. From tax perspective, getting the management fee through VOF or eenmanszaak looks more profitable as of now. Until we come to a point that we can give dividends, can I invoice management or service fee from my VOF to BV or to my holding? I have read that one of the options to pay for a less DGA salary is to defer the DGA salary by the end of the year; have a look at the financial situation of the company and if there is a profit, allocate a meaningful DGA salary depending on how much we earn. Thanks in advance,
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