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  1. Beste lezers, Dit artikel is geschreven als onderdeel van een academisch onderzoek. Het beschrijft de correlatie tussen verschillende eigenschappen van persoonlijkheid ten opzichte van veerkracht/weerbaarheid bij horeca ondernemers. Gebruik dit artikel om uzelf te onderwijzen en de genoten kennis in praktijk te brengen. Groet, Jsprdrw "The correlation between the ´Big 5 of personality´ & Resilience with hospitality entrepreneurs." Hospitality entrepreneurs are constantly confronted with major adversities, repetitive obstacles and generally have to face challenges on a frequent basis. This forces these entrepreneurs to become innovative, come up with new strategies and implement organisational changes. In other words, hospitality entrepreneurs are required to have great levels of resilience. All these entrepreneurs come in multiple different shapes and sizes with all boasting different personality factors. Thinking further into this, the question arose: what is the relationship between these factors of personality and levels of resilience. Therefore an quantitative study was conducted as part of an educational part of Hotelschool the Hague unravelling in the production of an extensive research report followed by this informative article. The Big Five Personality Traits theory was first developed in 1949 by D.W. Fiske. This is commonly used to find the most important traits that would be necessary for high resilience. These are Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism & Openness. According to other researches, entrepreneurs tend to be less neurotic, more conscientious and more receptive to new experiences. With regards to resilience, this can be described in various ways varying from; ‘a combination between an innate characteristic and experiences’ or ‘the capability of finding balance and moving on in stressful life events’ and everything in between (Ercan, 2017). Results coming forward from this specific research study have indicated that there are moderately strong correlations between extraversion, openness and conscientiousness with relation to scoring higher on resilience factors. These factors are also positively related to being an entrepreneur as well as scoring lower on neuroticism (sadness, anxiety, emotional instability and mood swings). Also it was found that the majority (63%) of the participants (Dutch hospitality entrepreneurs and managers) of this project are considered to be pretty resilient. Looking at the average resilience scores the main improvements were found within the categories of relationships and organisation. Potentially, peoples resilience can be improved by focussing on growing their conscientiousness by training themselves on for example decreasing procrastination behaviour and by creating structure and priorities in your day to day operation. In addition, to overcome difficult situations in life, it turned out to be advisable to focus on having a learner mindset, surrounding yourself with people whom are facing the same view, studying other’s their failure and learn from these and setting clear priorities. So, overall it can be concluded that various personality traits have a relationship with levels of resilience and should therefore be taken into consideration when for example starting a new business, hiring a new manager or investing in a person starting a new business. Once more this researches has emphasized on the importance of boasting high levels of resilience with entrepreneurs and managers in the hospitality industry. The implementation and careful evaluation of both personality test as well as resilience test are thus essential in creating and maintaining a sustainable hospitality business.
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