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Business trip expences

Hello to everybody!


Who could help me? I had a business trip in UK. Now I’d like to put them in my accountancy. Who could tell me, haw much I have right to include – per day, for hotel, flight ticket, other tickets …


Thank you very much!


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Your story tels me the trip was bussiness related.

For costs like:

- meals, dinners, lunch, booz and other food;

- representations like receptiones, festifities and so on;

- congres, seminars, symposium, excursions en studytravels.

There is a threshold. Only the amount that is higher then the threshold can be deducted. This counts for the total anual costs for these expensises and not just 1 bussiness trip.

For these type of costs you can chose between two deduction types


option 1

Chose this one, and the first 4.000 euros of these costs are not deductable:


option 2

You can alos choose in your anual tax form that you want 75% of these costs to be deductable. You don't have to take the threshold of 4.000 euros in concern then.


You can read some more about this in this file (figures of 2005), In concern to these type of costs you have to start reading at page 16.



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