[humor] Hoe bepaal ik de prijs van m'n software

Aanbevolen berichten

Kwam dit verhaal tegen op Internet. Op zich humor maar zit voor velen (mn de goedkope technos) misschien ook wel wat nuttige waarheid in:


I make the following assertion :


"It is impossible to sell a product that requires support for less

than $99 list and make any money."


I offer the following anecdotal proof :


You see, a lot of people think "Gee, here I have this wonderful program I just wrote. I spent 6 months writing this I'll sell thousands of copies and become a zillionaire!" But first, you think, "How will I make copies of this thing, it's obvious the ol' A1000 isn't up to making a zillion copies." So off you go looking for a 'Software Duplication' house. You find one, run by a nice old guy who has a couple state of the art Trace disk duplicators, they can duplicate 1000 3.5" disks in two hours. "Great," you say, "how much?" To which this guy replies, "Say $1.50 a disk, if I use the Tan ones, $2.00 if I use those Blue Japanese ones." Knowing how the net hates Tan floppies, you go for the Blue ones. Then you realize "But what about labels?" So he says "Well if you supply the labels I can have my kid put 'em on for 50 cents a disk." Looking at Junior there you decide that maybe you would be better off sticking them on yourself and respectfully decline.


artikel is te lang voor het forum... lees de rest op http://jsoft.nl/softwareprijs.html (nee geen reclame voor m'n site oid, er is zelfs geen site ;))

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