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Requirements to import cosmetic from EU member state

I  want to private label and import cosmetic products from EU member state (Eastern Europe) into Netherlands. I understand there is a list of regulatory requirements to fulfill. What I am struggling with is to find the "specifc" list of documents to ask from my supplier such that I can notify this product in CPNP. Do I have to ask for Product Information Dossier (PIF) only or there are some other documents required to notify CPNP. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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Beste Learner,

There are a lot of regulations en rules before you can import cosmetics in the Netherlands.

For instance: you must comply with the European Cosmetics Regulation and the Dutch 2011 Commodities Act Decree cosmetic products.


On business.gov you can find a lot of information and direct links about Manufacturing or selling cosmetic products in the Netherlands.

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