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Total cost of the goods to Import

Like to tahnks this forum for answering and good knowledge. I am thinking of importing few things from developing countries and also from europiean union. I like to understand the total cost of a product vis a vis corrent market.  I like to know the below costs 


1. Cost of the product - This is clear and i can get from supplier 

2. Cost of shipping - it differes and meay be based on many factors, is there a tool to calculate this cost 

3. Cost of clearing at the port of arrival and departure - how to arrive at this cost , any tools please suggest

4. Import duty - I can find from some trade sites 

5. Liability insurence - how to arrive at this cost 

6. Own Margin 

7. please suggest any other costs 


this is needed to evalute if the product is competitve or not and let me know any other costs and how to identify those costs 



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