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Boeiend artikel over USA startup

Alhoewel de Nederlandse situatie natuurlijk niet met de USA is te vergelijken, is het toch een interessant artikel.


Bron: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/business2/business2_archive/2006/06/01/8378491/index.htm


(zie samenvatting van VCC de posts hieronder - ivm copyright halen we de volledige tekst van het artikel hier weg)

Pitch Coach | Pitch Trainer | Public Speaker | Sparring Partner | Mentor | Pitcholoog (c)

"Your product, idea or business deserves a great pitch. I love to help you!"

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For entrepreneurs, now is the timeNew technologies are creating new business opportunities, and radically reducing costs for startups. Still, success is as difficult as ever.


Phase one: Establish a company

In order to get started you’ve got to test your idea, build a founding team, get a business plan together and pick a company name that will take you to the top. Here’s what to keep in mind.


Phase two: Prototype the product

Finally the rubber meets the road, as you stake out your intellectual property and assemble the demo that will help you sell your idea.


Phase three: Develop the beta product

Now is the time to start installing your staff -- hire the best you can afford. They’ll help you perfect your company's product and begin the beta testing process.

Phase four: Launch the product

Now that the testing is done and the product has been refined, you need to find paying customers. So stop fiddling and start selling!


Searching for angel investors

Here is what every aspiring business-owner should look for in early-stage backers. Remember, it's not just money you want; you also want brainpower, connections, and experience.


What a VC wants to see in you

You too can woo even the fussiest venture capitalists. Be sure you’re pitching to the right partner -- and expect them to present you with a deal sheet that has some tough terms.

Pitch Coach | Pitch Trainer | Public Speaker | Sparring Partner | Mentor | Pitcholoog (c)

"Your product, idea or business deserves a great pitch. I love to help you!"

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