Asif Shaifq

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Alles dat geplaatst werd door Asif Shaifq

  1. Dear entrepreneurs, while i was visiting my home country, our ex freelance employee made a false statement of a debt through a debt collection company in Hague which have caused to block my bank accounts. i had already reported the employee on identity theft . how can i clear the statement and retrieve my bank account? i shall be thankful on your kind advise Regards, Asif
  2. As an international entrepreneur i import as pool container on regular basis from Asian countries and feel this amount is almost 15% high and the reason behind the overall rise in prices in shipping industry but i feel exchange rate surcharge is too high
  3. Dag, As a serial international entrepreneur i believe this need to be negotiated , for future i will suggest you to outsource to job to Pakistan or Bangladesh they are more flexible in term of samples readiness and quality control. Best Regards, Asif
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