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    are interested in academic education, scholarly activities and growth of people's impact in educational and learning activities

GIRESNL's trofeeën

  1. Thank you Jeroen, Both for the welcome note and for the information Glad to be here!! Thank you Konstantinos D. Karatzas
  2. Hello everyone, First time asking here! I own a BV registered in The Netherlands, which organized conferences, seminars and workshops mainly for academics and also carries out similar educational activities. So far we have been working online due to covid. We would like to plan ahead for in-person activities and I would like to have liability insurance (including others like indemnity if needed) so all is safe. I was wondering from your experience, there is an insurance that can cover us within Europe (as we plan to have activities in other countries- including the UK)? Also do you think that a broker would be better or go directly to a bank/insurance company? Not sure if here is possible to post options (companies that have helped you or you collaborate/I don't want to break the rules of the forum) but in any case, any suggestions are more that welcome. Thank you all for the help! Kosta
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