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stereo's trofeeën

  1. Thank you all for taking time to discuss on my question. As stated initially, this is not something i want to exceed anyways, I was just wondering about what is legally correct here, and as I can see there could be different interpretations. My company doesn't mind me working even 60 hours per week by the way, their legal compliance is what they are interested in. Thank you again.
  2. I dont really get you here. My employers is only worried about the working hours law. They think if I add up their 40 hours to my freelancing hours I shouldn't exceed the working hours act which is 45-50 hours weekly. But I am not sure if that;s the case, since this limit is not applied to freelancers.
  3. no, i didnt need visa as european. I am just employed in a company for 40 hours week 9-5
  4. Hi, thanks for answering! Probably i wasnt clear on my initial post. I am going to work as a freelancer with other clients, while at the same time working as an employee in my current role in a company. your assumption is what I meant correct. but I see here the following so why am I restricted to 10 hours as a freelancer since this exception is nowhere to be found? (I am not doubting your answer, just trying to understand, thank you for taking time to answer in the first place)
  5. Hi, I am not sure if i am posting to the correct group, please let me know and will move it if its not related here. So, I would like to ask if someone knows about the following: I am already employed in a company working 40 hours per week. I would like to start working as a freelancer too. My company has agreed but says I can work in total no more than 45-50 hours weekly due to the Working Hours Act. When I search about it it says that it does not apply to freelancers, only to employed. So now I am a bit confused, has anyone been in a similar position? Can I work max 45-50 hours weekly, which means 15-20 hours as a freelancer? PS. I am probably not going to work more than that, but I would like your input to be sure on what my obligations are. Thank you in advance
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