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Startups van Nederlands

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Hi Yoni, it's very nice to see you on this forum for entrepreneurs and innovation, I think you have an interesting strategy for your fund and hope that you'll find something of interest on Higherlevel.nl.


Since you're looking for angel-backed companies, you should talk to the NeBIB if you haven't already. They're focussing on matching angel investors with young innovative companies, and have a lot of insight in the Dutch market and developments. Founder Nils de Witte is one of the members of the forum. They're the company behind HollandInnovation, the event mentioned earlier in this thread by TV4Business.


Also, TechnoPartner, an initiative of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and also involved in this forum, might be a good starting point. They also have a lot of knowledge of promising Dutch companies and technology.


Both TechnoPartner and the NeBIB can push you in the right direction.


Can you tell us more about your strategy, especially in what kinds of companies you're looking for? I've read on your website they have to be related to the internet, media and communications sectors and also to be angel-backed, but can you be more specific about what you're especially looking for?

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TV4Business, Perry and Jeroen - thank you very much for your replies. Definetly helps put us in the right direction.


Regarding PICNIC - my brother and managing director of YL Ventures, Yoav, will be attending - so you'll get to see him there. Feel free to say hi.


Jeroen, regarding your last question:

We are looking for companies with unique technological intellectual property (as opposed to solely riding on existing technologies) and who believe our strategy of investment is a good fit for their exit plan. Also, we are very hands-on, and take a very proactive role in the company once the investment is made.


If you would like to explore this in-depth, maybe in the form of an interview, I suggest contacting Yoav (yoav [at] ylventures dot com).


Thank you all again for the information.

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